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Thank You and Welcome to the TAC!

Thank You and Welcome to the TAC!

Note: Keeping this post "sticky" so it will stay at the top of our members site update feed. We'll add ...
Academic Level Work From My Home Office

Academic Level Work From My Home Office

The resources available to researchers today are mindblowing and they allow us to produce top-notch work here at the TAC ...
Presidents and War: It's Not How It Used to Be! (Or Should Be)

Presidents and War: It’s Not How It Used to Be! (Or Should Be)

Over the years, executive power has expanded exponentially. Nowhere is this more apparent than when it comes to matters of ...
Spotlighting a Key Founder Few Have Heard Of

Spotlighting a Key Founder Few Have Heard Of

Coxe wrote dozens of essays in support of the Constitution. Many were originally published by the Pennsylvania Gazzete and they ...
Learning History So We Don't Repeat It!

Learning History So We Don’t Repeat It!

They say if you don't learn history, you're doomed to repeat it. That's definitely true when it comes to the ...
No Matter How Much I Know There's Always More to Learn

No Matter How Much I Know There’s Always More to Learn

I've been working for the TAC for well over a decade now. Sometimes it's easy to think I've learned all ...
Ignoring the Government People

Ignoring the Government People

The feds are relatively impotent. I think we forget that sometimes. I was a pretty compliant kid. That’s because I ...
Step By Step Toward Liberty

Step By Step Toward Liberty

Success against the largest government in history requires more than tough rhetoric or big talking in social media posts. It ...
The Year of Sound Money

The Year of Sound Money

Every year it seems like a specific issue picks up significant momentum. So far, this has been the year of ...
The Power of You!

The Power of You!

When you see good bills in your state, don't just say, "I sure hope that passes." Take 10 minutes to ...
Sound Money Looking to Be a Big Issue in 2024

Sound Money Looking to Be a Big Issue in 2024

We've just started looking at legislation prefiled for 2024, but based on what we're seeing so far, sound money is ...